With some free time on my hands, I came up with an idea for a garden chair. I realy wanted to use sustainable materials, meaning a part of the project should be able to be manufacture with recycled materials
or using a cradle to cradle approach.
While browsing the internet I discovered a neat little instagram page called The Good Plastic company. A company that creates sheets of recycled plastic, in various thicknesses.
Having worked with recycled materials before, I was a little skeptical about the uses and manufacturing processes By Investing the mater further it became clear that there were a lot more ways you could handle this material like for example bending.
This would be an ideal material for the backrest of the chair.
During the design process, I tried to make sure my Idea's could be manufactured.
In the first stage this would mean manufactured by a professional welder or metal worker.
using pipes rather than steel bars. Later in the design process I decided I wanted to create a model that even I could manufacture with limited tools. I switched from steel to aluminum and put wooden beams inside the aluminum so I could screw them together.
Final product
As an end result I have now a chair family of two chairs. The next part of this journey Is finally creating a prototype with the correct materials, swapping the wood used for the backrest in to the correct sheet of recycled plastic,and trying to expand the range in a stack version and a bench version.